Who we are
KOMUGE COMMUNITY INITIATIVE is a community-based NGO formed on clear grounds to bring about development, empowerment, and direct support to the vulnerable members of the community, especially women and vulnerable children. This NGO was established to create a positive impact on the ever-growing problem of vulnerable people in hard-to-reach areas, especially widows, single mothers, child mothers, women and girls living with HIV/AIDS, children, and out-of-school young people. Our focus areas include WASH, gender equality, education, agriculture, child advocacy and community outreach, livelihood through vocational skilling, development training and research, and poverty eradication. Therefore, contributing to the achievement of SDG 1 – No Poverty, 2 – Zero Hunger, 3 – Good health and well-being, 4 – Quality Education, 5 – Gender Equality, 6 – Clean water & Sanitation, 10 – Reduced inequality.
KCI started its operations in 2017 when a group of like-minded young people got touched by the plight of people in Komuge village and started distributing handouts. As a result, a CBO was fully registered in 2018 with a mandate in the areas of WASH, health, education, livelihood, and agriculture to operate in Komuge Sub-county, Bukedea District. However, three years later, the organisation decided to expand operations into other areas that had similar challenges or even worse, hence the transition into a fully non-government organization in 2022, operating in the districts of Bukedea, Kumi, Ngora, and Serere, respectively.

To realize the above vision, mission and goal, the following objectives have to be undertaken:
- Promoting WASH services in schools and communities through distribution of sanitary towels, training on making of reusable sanitary towels, health & hygiene awareness, rehabilitating & constructing water sources, & construction of latrines, medical camps etc.
- Education support through provision school fees and sscholastic materials for vulnerable children both at primary and secondary levels in our operational areas.
- Health promotions through HIV awareness and prevention, medical camps, SRH, Maternal & Child Health Care, distribution of mosquito nets, provision of medical supplies etc.
- To organize vulnerable youth and women under Village Savings and Loans Association groups to enable them have access to affordable startup capital
- Training out-of-school (vulnerable children, school drop-outs) aged 15 and above, in vocational training and life skills such as hair styling, tailoring, carpentry, welding, bricklaying etc.
- To provide hand ups and all necessary support to the well-being and sustainability of vulnerable women (widows, HIV infected, single mothers, elderly etc.) in the community
- To support peasant farmers with innovative farming practices and agricultural value addition skills to enhance their incomes and livelihood.
- Resettlement and re-integration of out-of-school youth and vulnerable children within the communities or their families before and after training.
- To reduce unemployment among young people that of productive age 18-35 through job creation, talent development, skills development, career guidance & career workshops to enable them become competitive and fit in the society.
- Coordinating and supporting campaigns and actions on child and youths’ rights both at National and community levels.
- Active research and surveys on specific issues affecting the out-of-school youth and children
- Empowering the girl-child and women youth groups in business management skills.
- To conduct social research in education, sexual reproductive health care, gender related issues, and socio-economic development, and publication on children/youth experiences.
- To reach out to vulnerable children and out-of-school youth in their ca-coons, and through counselling sessions, family tracing and community sensitization.
- Community mobilisation and the training on child and youth related issues as stipulated in UN convention on the rights of the child and the Ugandan youth policy